Syrien: 30/12 Bombattacker mot två assyriska restauranger i Qameshli blir startskottet för en serie liknande dåd. 13 assyrier och fyra andra miste livet. Ännu inga spår efter gärningsmännen. Misstankarna riktas mot kurdiska PYD-självstyret som vill tvinga assyrierna...
A Europe Of Diasporas Conference In Bucharest, Romania
On November 25, 2016, a conference was held in Bucharest, Romania, on the topic A EUROPE OF DIASPORAS: National and ethnic identity of diasporas in the public space. Naher Arslan, chairman of the Assyrian Federation of Belgium and board member of the Assyrian...
New Year Greetings by the President of the Assyrian Confederation of Europe
Attiya Gamri, President of the Assyrian Confederation of Europe (ACE), sends a message to the Assyrian Diaspora to participate in the efforts of the ACE in coming year of 2017, demanding a safe future existens in Assyria, especially in the Nineveh Plains.
Föreläsning: Fornassyriska tiden av Ninhursag Tadaros
Den 18 december anordnade Assyriska Ungdomsförbundet tillsammans med ungdomssektionen i Assyriska Föreningen i Södertälje, en föreläsning. Föreläsaren var assyriologi- och egyptologi-studenten, Ninhursag Tadaros från University of Oxford som föreläste om den...
Sardanapal Asaad – Zmirto d huyodo
The singer and composer Sardanapal Asaad releases his new music video. The lyrics, written by Bishop George Saliba, reflect the rich heritage of our ancestors. The spirit of the song is a call for unity at the same time in the sense that we should feel pride in all...
Julkonsert – S:t Jacob katedrals kyrkokör – 2016
ADO visit to Iraqi Assyria
The leadership of the Assyrian Democratic Organization, ADO, paid a visit to Iraqi Assyria 4-11 December 2016, in order to mediate between different Assyrian actors to join forces on the ground after the Nineveh Plains is liberated from ISIS. Mr. Gabriel Moushe and...