Adnan Challma Kulhan, grundare av Plattform Turabdin, berättar om den kommuniké som de skrev den 23 oktober 2016 med titeln "Nineve åt Nineves barn". Den fick stor spridning i regimkritiska medier i Turkiet (turkiska och kurdiska), liksom armeniska Agos och assyriska...
Assyrian, Kurdish parents arrested by Asayish in Derik, Syria
On Tuesday October 25, 2016, representatives of the self proclaimed Kurdish authority in the Assyrian town of Derik (A.K.A Malikiyeh), North Eastern Syria, tried to oust the Kurdish pupils from the Dijleh Assyrian school. This was done in accordance with a recent...
Interview with Hanna Hajjar
The Assyrian artist, author and activist Mr. Hanna (John) Hajjar paid recently a visit to Sweden from Los Angeles, where he has been living for the last 35 years. Assyria TV invited him to our studio and the interview addressed several topics, and projects created by...
Varför suspenderades prästen Gabriel Dawod?
Den 16 oktober 2016 suspenderade syrisk-ortodoxe patriarken Afrem II Karim prästen Gabriel Dawod i Damaskus, för påstådd medverkan i hemsidor som är emot kyrkoledningen. Men Ahiqar Rashid som representerar Ungdomssamlingen Moder Syrien, hävdar att den verkliga...
Ska man sopa problemen under mattan?
Den 15 september publicerade Hujådå en nyhetsartikel om att en förtroendevald person i en assyrisk organisation hade uppträtt olämpligt. Han hade kallat aktiva assyriska tjejer för horor och spridit rykten om vissa tjejer. Han hade även portats från AFFs matcher p g a...
Interview with Prof. Efrem Yildiz
The Assyrian Prof. Efrem Yildiz at the Salamanca University, answers the question whether the ancient Assyrians took the Aramaic alphabet or the entire language, and if so for what reason. He says the term "Aramaic Language" was invented by Western orientalists as a...
MP Yonadam Kanna on ongoing liberation of Mosul
The Assyrian Iraqi MP Yonadam Kanna, Secretary General of Zowaa, tells about the on ongoing liberation of Mosul and the Nineveh Plains. He denounces clearly the statement of Kurdish Rudaw of yesterday (October 17) that NPU would be a part of Peshmerga. Rudaw as a...
Robert Hannah on how to lobby Swedish politicians
The Assyrian politician in Swedish Parliament Robert Hanna (Lib) during the Assyrian Convention in Gothenburg presented some very useful ways of lobbying towards the politicians in the Swedish political system.
Prof. Efrem Yildiz: We must keep our language alive
Professor Efrem Yildiz, Hebrew and Aramean studies at Salamanca University, Spain, during the Assyrian Convention in Gothenburg lectured on the necessity of keeping the Assyrian language alive and develop it. He sees the language among the main means of the...
Susanne Güsten’s lecture on the failed Assyrian return to Turabdin
German journalist and researcher Susanne Güsten's lecture on her latest report "A farewell to Turabdin" (see link below) at the Assyrian Convention in Gothenburg October 9, 2016. The report is published by the Sabanci University in Istanbul. ...
Assyrian Women Conference in EU
On September 29, 2016, the Assyrian Women Federation of Sweden held a conference in the EU Parliament in Brussels on the vulnerability of women and children in the conflicts in Middle East. A manifestation for Assyrian rights was also arranged outside the Parliament.
Assyrian Convention in Gothenburg, part 1
On Saturday October 8, 2016 the Assyrian Confederation of Europe (ACE) held its first general assembly where a new president and board were elected. A panel discussion with the board of ACE on the objectives of the Confederation. Panel on Assyrian global governance...
Erik Valencic: The Assyrians – threatened by Kurds, abandoned by West
Mr. Erik Valencic and Mr. Miha Mohoric from Slovenia are on their way to make a documentary about the Assyrian Christian heritage in Turabdin, Nineveh and Gozarto. Recently they witnessed how Kurds who are occupying the Assyrian village of Zaz, threaten the only...
Susanne Güsten on the Kurdification of Assyrian land
The German journalist and researcher Susanne Güsten was one of the guests invited to the Assyrian Convention in Gothenburg. She gave a lecture on her latest report for the Sabanci University in Istanbul about the return of the Assyrians to Turabdin. The report is...
The Assyrian women conference in Brussels
Nursel Awrohum, president of the Assyrian Women Federation in Sweden, and Sabah Elia summarize the conference held in Brussels September 29, 2016, arranged by the federation.
APM: Assyrian clergy serving Kurdish agenda
Ashur Giwargis, the founder o f Assyria Patriotic Movement (APM), is analyzing the current situation of the Assyrians in Iraq. He criticizes Assyrian church leaders of different affiliation for their interference in politics. He considers their proposals about the...
Kurdish Court justifies confiscation of Assyrian land in Nahla
The Kurdish local Court in Sarsang, Nohadra (Duhok) decided October 5, 2016, to give the Kurdish occupier right to keep the building he has erected in an agricultural field in the Assyrian village of Julleh, Nahla district. Mr. Mikhael Benjamin of the Assyrian...
Bishop of Mardin: our unity will be our strength
During a visit to Augsburg, Germany, in the end of May 2016 his excellence Mor Filoxinos Saliba Özmen, the Syrian Orthodox bishop of Mardin and Amid, was interviewed by our local crew together with Mr. Aziz Aktas from Enhil Federation. They discuss the difficulties of...
Assyrian News in Focus 2016-09-29
Syrien: - Gårdagens explosion i Kameshli var sannolikt en ljudbomb eller avsedd åt ett mindre mål som en förbipasserande bil. - Det kurdiska PYD-styret har idag samlats i Rmelan för att bestämma sitt krav på federalism, dess namn, flagga, ed etc. - Turkiet bygger en...
Mr. Kanna: A political message, not constitutional
Mr. Yonadam Kanna, Assyrian MP in Iraqi Parliament and the Secretary General of Zowaa, comments the decision of the Parliament in Baghdad of September 26 to refuse that the current Ninewa province be divided into several provinces. The decision is more a political...
Interview With Congressman Trent Franks Hosted By Mona Oshana
Interview With Romyo Hakari and Yacoob Gewargis Yaqo Hosted by Wilson Younan
“The NPU & the Liberation of the Nineveh Plain”
ADO leader comments the Syrian opposition’s neglect of Assyrian rights
Mr. Gabriel Moushe, the leader of Assyrian Democratic Organization (ADO) comments the latest statement of the High Commission of Negotiations within the Syrian opposition, where the Assyrians are not mentioned at all and where the future of Syria is said to lay on...