On November 25, 2016, a conference was held in Bucharest, Romania, on the topic A EUROPE OF DIASPORAS: National and ethnic identity of diasporas in the public space. Naher Arslan, chairman of the Assyrian Federation of Belgium and board member of the Assyrian...
New Year Greetings by the President of the Assyrian Confederation of Europe
Attiya Gamri, President of the Assyrian Confederation of Europe (ACE), sends a message to the Assyrian Diaspora to participate in the efforts of the ACE in coming year of 2017, demanding a safe future existens in Assyria, especially in the Nineveh Plains.
ADO visit to Iraqi Assyria
The leadership of the Assyrian Democratic Organization, ADO, paid a visit to Iraqi Assyria 4-11 December 2016, in order to mediate between different Assyrian actors to join forces on the ground after the Nineveh Plains is liberated from ISIS. Mr. Gabriel Moushe and...
Vad ligger bakom misstroendeförklaringen mot ARS’ ledning?
Den så kallade oppositionen mot Assyriska riksförbundets ledning, som i oktober ställde en misstroendeförklaring mot styrelsen, har på senare tid ökat intensiteten i sina grova beskyllningar och drar sig inte för att använda oetiska metoder för att svartmåla...
Conference at the University of Leuven in Belgium
Prof. Efrem Yildiz (Salamanca), Dr. Naures Atto (Cambridge) and Prof. Aho Shemunkasho (Salzburg) attended a conferensce at the University of Leuven in Belgium December 7, 2016, talking about the Assyrians. During his speach, titled "The Aramaic Speaking Christians in...
Patriarch Sako tried to stop lecture of Assyrian professor
In the beginning of December 2016, the Assyrian professor Efrem Yildiz was invited to the Assyro-Chaldean club in Mechelen, Belgium, to lecture about Assyrian identity, especially the different names within the Assyrian people. The club is inside the building of the...
Patriarch Younan in an exclusive interview
HH Patriarch Josef III Younan of the Syriac Catholic church, in an exclusive interview to Assyria TV comments the situation of the Assyrian Christians IDPs in Nineveh after its liberation from ISIS, the living conditions under the rule of Kurdish self rule in Gozarto,...
Assyrian News in Focus 2016-12-15
Syrien: Uppdatering Aleppo, vapenvila, evakuering civila och jihadister Alepposonen Samir Nashar, som är ordförande för Damaskusdeklarationen 2004, sade upp sig från Syrian National Coalition, SNC, eftersom han känner maktlöshet i fallet Aleppo och missnöje med SNC....
Mr. Yonadam Kanna in Sweden
Mr. Yonadam Kanna continued his tour in the EU by holding lectures in Assyrian clubs in Sweden. Before that, we got in interview with him in our studio, where he explains the purpose of his visit and informs us of the lates development in Iraq; He joined an Iraqi...
Patriarch Younan: Reconstruction is the responsibility of the West
The Syriac Catholic Patriarch, Joseph III Younan, currently visiting Germany, says the Western countries, who tried to export their democracy, have a big responsibility to reconstruct the devastated countries of the Middle East - especially the Nineveh Plains. He...
MP Yonadam Kanna in Gütersloh, Germany
Mr. Yonadam Kanna, Assyrian Iraqi MP and Secretary General of Zowaa, is currently visiting Europe. Last Saturday he attended the Assyrian Bethnahrin Association of Gütersloh, Germany, where he spoke on the current events in Iraq, especially in Nineveh.
KRG prevents NPU soldiers from returning back to the Nineveh Plains
Jameel al-Jameel, member of the Nineveh Plains Protection Units, NPU, tells about the recent Kurdish abuses of power towards the members of NPU. When visiting their families in Nohadra (Duhok) or Arbil the NPU soldiers are prevented from returning back to the Nineveh...
Årsminnet av martyrerna i Qamishli
Den gångna helgen hölls en minnesgudstjänst i den assyriska staden Qamishli i Syrien för att hedra minnet av de martyrer som fallit offer för sprängdåd och attacker under det gångna året. Den assyriske skribenten och aktivisten Suleiman Youssef, vars son förlorade ett...
Şerif Öter: ”Bölge halkı çok zor durumda”
Mardin Toplumsal Dayanışma Federasyonu başkanı Şerif Öter gündem konularını yorumluyor. Devletin HDP’li milletvekillerini ve belediye başkanlarını tutuklamasına halktan nasıl tepki verildiğini ve güncel konularla ilgili sorulara cevap veriyor.
Möt Murad Artin – Mannen som drev Seyfo-frågan i riksdagen
Vad krävs det egentligen för att stå upp när det blåser? Vem var det som initierade frågan om folkmordet Seyfo i Sveriges riksdag? Vad hände bakom kulisserna? Finns det överenskommelser som allmänheten inte känner till i samband med Riksdagens erkännande av Seyfo?...
Assyrisk samverkan med kurderna då och nu
Assyrier och kurder har levt som grannar i samma områden i Hakkari och Turabbin under lång tid. För att skydda sig har assyrierna från tid till annan samverkat inom ramen för det rådande klansystemet. Ofta bidrog assyrierna ekonomiskt till klanhövdingarna, medan...
Assyrian Parliament in exile to be established 2017
Mr. Sayros Yadgar, Assyrian resident in Los Angeles, is one of the Assyrian activists who are preparing the establishment of an Assyrian Parliament in exile, in order to become representative for a stateless nation. Elections are planned to be held in 2017,...
Assyrian lawyer harassed by Kurdish security in Syria
Assyrian lawyer Riyad Lahdo Ado from Derik (Arabic Malikiyeh) was kept in Kurdish custody 24 hours before he was released on Tuesday November 15. The reason he was interrogated and harassed is that he has an old land dispute with two Kurdish lawyers, where he has been...
Assyrian News in Focus 2016-11-13
Replik ADO angående tidigare program. Assyriska FF: Fotbollslaget Assyriska FF kommer att flyttas ner till div I, efter att ha förlorat i kvalet mot Norrby från Borås. Syrien: Uppdatering operationen mot IS-fästet Raqqa och vad Donald Trumps seger kan innebära för...
Cengiz Çandar ile Süryaniler üzerine söyleşi
8 kasım salı günü Türkiye’nin önde gelen aydın ve gazetecilerinden biri olan Cengiz Çandar Assyria TV’nin konuğu oldu. Programın ilk 15 dakikası Arapça sonrası ise Türkçe devam ediyor. Genelde Süryani halkının sorunlarının tartışıldığı programda Hrant Dink cinayeti de...
Blandäktenskapets för- och nackdelar
Dagens Darbo Ftiho behandlar ämnet blandäktenskap mellan assyrier och icke-assyrier. Maria Durmaz och Karolin Enwia Khamo svarar på Nemrud Kurt Haninkes frågor om fördelar och nackdelar, t ex inverkan på assyrisk kultur och språk. Gästerna är överens om att kärleken...
A new Council of Khabour-Assyrians elected
On Sunday November 6, 2016, about 150 representatives of the Assyrians in Khabour gathered in Tell Tamer to a general assembly, where a new council of 15 was elected, as well as 5 senior advisers. Atour Isahak, spokeswoman of the council of Natoreh d Khabour, tells...
Anna Melles nya bok “Från Hanna till Anna”
Gymnasieläraren i Jönköping Anna Melle har nyligen utkommit med en ny bok med titeln "Från Hanna till Anna". Under en presentation i Södertälje i veckan blev hon intervjuad av Assyriska kvinnoförbundets ordförande Nursel Awrohum om bokens innehåll och målgrupp. Annas...
APP on Assyrian armed forces cooperation agreement
On October 29, 2016 a political agreement was signed between six different Assyrian parties in Iraq on cooperation between all Assyrian armed forces on the Nineveh Plains in order to keep the future security. The news was cabled yesterday and from Assyria TV we have...