Månad: mars 2018

Eddie’s witness about the treason of Dawronoye

Eddie "Gaboro" Hanna from Australia, the founder of Patriarchal Relief Care Australia, has made several visits to Syria where he documented the destruction of the country and also the Kurdish abuses against the locals. In this program we show some clips from his...

Numan Oğur about Assyrian political organizations and church

In this part Mr. Numan Oğur comments the failure of Assyrian political organizations and the destructive role the church has played by denouncing Assyrian national identity through the history. This led to big lack of national sense among the Assyrian community, he...

Assyrian News in Focus 2018-03-27

Ryssland: Kalla krigets vindar blåser åter igen efter att USA, Storbritannien och flera västländer igår gjorde en kraftig diplomatisk markering mot Ryssland genom att utvisa ett hundratal ryska diplomater för påstådd rysk användning av kemiska vapen mot en fd spion i...

Clan conflicts the reason for Kurdish failure: Numan Oğur

Mr. Numan Oğur, an Assyrian member of PKK and officer at the Brussels based Kurdish Exile Congress (KNK), comments the development in Syria in connection to the PKK branch PYD. He would not admit any loss of the battle in Afrin, but blames Russia for treason against...

ACE President Attiya Gamri about the current situation

Ms. Attiya Gamri, the president of the Assyrian Confederation of Europe (ACE), comments the current status of the Assyrian national and political work. She talks about the need of a new model of organization in networks, the lack of a national vision by today’s...

The clergy’s interfering in politics

After Bishop Hanna Aydin's recent statements in Berlin, a hot debate has blossomed up within the Assyrian community about the interference of church leaders in politics. Our studio guests Dr. Gabriel Oussi and Simon Poli discuss and analyze the situation. The program...

Assyrian News In Focus 2018-03-20

Syrien: På söndagen föll både Afrin och delar av östra Ghouta samtidigt. President Assad körde själv bilen till de delar av Ghouta som är befriade och promenerade på gatorna för att möta sina soldater. Samma dag gick Turkiet in i Afrin. Detta inföll den 18 mars som är...

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